Why Apple Should Put Siri Voice Control On iPhone 4

Boston (ChatterShmatter) – Apple held its “Let’s Talk iPhone” event this week, unveiling the iPhone 4S rather than the iPhone 5 as many expected and anticipated.  One disturbing revelation though was the fact that one of the key new iPhone additions, Siri, will only work on the iPhone 4S.

The iPhone 4S is going to be a big upgrade over the iPhone 4 in terms of the internal processing power.

The phone is going to feature a dual-core processor, the same found in the iPad 2, an improved camera, support of GSM and CDMA networks, and more.

What the iPhone 4S is also getting is the voice control assistant known as Siri.

Siri will allow iPhone users to simply speak to their phone and say, “Set an alarm for 6 a.m.” and Siri will interpret what you tell it, and set the alarm.

Many iPhone 4 owners are upset though over the fact that Apple is not going to release this software on the iPhone 4, only the iPhone 4S.

What this does essentially is alienate the millions upon millions of iPhone 4 users, many of whom just purchased the device within the past 6-months, not allowing them to get the latest greatest in terms of software, not hardware, that Apple has to offer.

The iPhone 4 will receive the the iOS5 update on October 12th, but it is going to be missing the key Siri voice control that many are very excited about.

Siri is a piece of software, and due to that fact, Apple truly is doing a disservice to its customers for not putting the software on the iPhone 4.

It may make sense to help sell the iPhone 4S for Apple, but it could prove to be harmful for them long-term as customers may not trust Apple as new devices grow near.

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