Cliff Lee Resigns With The Philadelphia Phillies

Right hander Cliff Lee could’ve chosen any team he wanted too when it came to who he was going to play for next season.

The Yankees, with a seemingly bottomless bank account would’ve paid him whatever he wanted for as long as he wanted it, but instead of taking the money, Lee decided to join the Philadelphia Phillies, a team that actually traded him away in 2009.

After leading the Texas Rangers to the World Series Championship this year, Lee became the most sought after free agent on the market and with the Chicago White Sox and Boston Red Sox making some big splashes in the market many thought Lee was a shoe-in for New York.

Lee has reportedly signed a five-year deal with the Phills, joinging a pitching staff that already has two allstars on it.

His deal is worth 100 million over the five years, with an option for a sixth.

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