Actress Lindsay Lohan was issued a day pass which allowed her to leave rehab and spend Thanksgiving with her father.
Due to the constant bickering between the pair it is kind of strange that Lindsay would choose to spend the day with him, but that is exactly what she did.
She even took time out to post a message to her Twitter account.
“RT @TomCruise: RT @KimmieC88: @TomCruise Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around. Sofia~Vanilla Sky. LOVE this quote!” Lindsay posted.
She is currently serving a stint in rehab because she violated her probation by failing two manditory drug tests and will remain locked up until January third.
As for her mother, it is being reported that she refused to come have dinner with Lindsay and Michael.
Actress Lindsay Lohan was issued a day pass which allowed her to leave rehab and spend Thankskgiving with her father
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