Generic Cardiovascular Drugs as Effective as Brand Name

Generic Cardiovascular Drugs as Effective as Brand Name....

Boston (ChatterShmatter) – Recent studies are showing that the brand name drugs used to battle cardiovascular issues are no better than the less expensive generic versions.

Dr. Aaron S Kesselheim of Brigham Women’s Hospital in Boston led a study, which will appear in the December 3 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association which did not find any evidence that the brand name medicines offered any benefits to the user over the generic types of the same medication.

This study should go a ways toward challenging the theories that doctors must prescribe the high cost brand names of drugs in order to effectively combat the illness.

The generic drugs are all FDA approved meaning that the contents of the drugs meet the standards required and the active ingredients match that of their more expensive counterparts but may look different in terms of shape and/or color, while offering a lower cost alternative to consumers.

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