A new study has found that more and more Americans are living with high blood pressure than ever before, but that more of them actually know that they are living dangerously.
High blood pressure can be very dangerous for your health, as it puts you at risk of heart attacks, stroke or other serious health issues.
Hypertention as it is also called, can be controled through a persons’ diet and level of exercise, and it is recommended that because of this, people eat healthy and exercise daily.
The study found that compared to previous years, the number of Americans living with high blood pressure or hypertention as it is called rose by 4 percent.
For their study, researchers compared findings from 2 leading health and nutrition surveys, one which ran from 1988 and 1994 and the other which ran from 1999 to 2004.
Despite the fact that the numbers of people living with high blood pressure are increasing, the number of people who are aware of their hypertention also increased, which is a good thing.
A bad finding from the study was the fact that overall, the number one cause of high blood pressure was obesity, a fact that held true across all races.
The study findings are published in Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association.
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