An instrument on the famous Hubble Space Telescope has reportedly broke down, forcing NASA to postpone a long awaited repair job on the famous telescope.
The instrument in question is called the unit and science data formatter and works by storing information and sending it back to earth.
According to NASA, the very important instrument broke down on Saturday night and remote attempts to fix it have failed.
The instrument has been humming along doing its job for the last 20 years now, thus its breaking down has come as a surprise to all.
A repare mission which was scheduled for October 14th has now been postponed, so that the astronauts can be trained on how to install a new backup formatter.
“All of our efforts . . . totally failed,” said manager of the Hubble program at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Preston Burch.
“We do not know the precise location and nature of the failure,” Burch said.
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