Viagra Helps Women Taking Antidepressants Reach Orgasm

Women who are taking anti-depressants may benefit from the use of viagra, as in a small study it has been proven to increase their likelyhood of reaching orgasm during sex
Women who are taking anti-depressants may benefit from the use of viagra, as in a small study it has been proven to increase their likelyhood of reaching orgasm during sex.

The study featured just under 100 premenopausal women and also found that women although enjoyed a heightened orgasm opportunity, did not have an increase in sexual desire or other sexual feelings.

The women were divided into groups with some receiving viagra and some receiving a dummy pill.

Up to 72% of women taking viagra reported an increase in their sex drive, with 27% of the placebo group reporting an improvement.

Many women and men for that matter taking anti-depressants have a hard time enjoying sex, and researchers have been trying to figure out what can be done to reverse this fact.

The drugs work by increasing the production of the chemical Serotonin in the brain, thus diminishing sex drive.

“For women on antidepressants with orgasm problems, this may provide some wonderful relief,” said psychologist Stanley Althof, director of the Center for Marital and Sexual Health of South Florida in West Palm Beach. “But it will not improve their desire or arousal.”

The study is published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

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