Art Gallery Owner Arrested For Serving Alcohol

The owner of an East Hampton art gallery has been arrested for serving alcohol at the opening for a celebrity photo exhibit featuring photos of Justin Timberlake, Angelina Jolie, Madonna and more
The owner of an East Hampton art gallery has been arrested for serving alcohol at the opening for a celebrity photo exhibit featuring photos of Justin Timberlake, Angelina Jolie, Madonna and more.

It is not sure how police were notified that owner Ruth Kalb, 67, was serving booze to her guests, however when the police showed up, she refused to stop and was arrested for serving alcohol without a liquor license.

“I told them I’ve been doing this since before they were born,” she said. “They have some nerve.”

“They’re sabotaging the life of our small business. Everybody does parties and gives Champagne. It’s East Hampton!”

“It’s not something that’s new and out of the blue at all,” said Mayor Paul Rickenbach.

Kalb is schedualed to be arraigned on June 25th.

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