Skin Cancer Maybe Diagnosed By Smell One Day

Researchers from the US are saying that skin cancer maybe able to be detected by a certain smell that it gives off
Researchers from the US are saying that skin cancer maybe able to be detected by a certain smell that it gives off.

The researchers say that skin cancer gives off chemicals that omit a certain smell, and when put to the test, a machine was able to sniff out basal cell carcinomas.

The researchers displayed their study findings at the annual conference of the American Chemical Society in Philadelphia,.

They say that because they have discovered that skin cancer gives off a certain smell, it maybe possible to create tests to determine if a person actually has the disease.

“Researchers have speculated that tumors give off different odors, but we’re the first to identify and quantify the compounds involved in skin cancer odors,” said chemist Michelle Gallagher, who conducted the study at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

There are currently other studies being performed using dogs to try to sniff out cancer.

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